Saturday, June 26, 2010

My horse has cushins disease , i had real trouble clearing mud rash i tried camerosa cream but nothing seems?

to be working any other ideas cheersMy horse has cushins disease , i had real trouble clearing mud rash i tried camerosa cream but nothing seems?
Clip the hair from the area, clean with hibi scrub and allow to dry. Then put nappy rash cream (or, if you can get it, 'Heel To Hoof') all over the mud rash, wrap with cling film and apply stable bandages (with padding to prevent pressure sores). Leave the bandages on over night and repeat the procedure the following day. In 24 hours, the scabs will be gone and the area will be able to begin to heal. For the next 24 hours, keep your horse out of the mud, so the air can get to the area. The bacteria which causes mud rash is anaerobic, so it thrives without oxygen. Allowing the area to breathe without the scabs on is the best way to effect a cure.

Once you expose the area to mud again, ensure that you wash it with hibi scrub again, and dry the legs correctly.

Cushings disease is not curable, but there are treatment options, so you should discuss what would be appropriate for your horse with your vet.My horse has cushins disease , i had real trouble clearing mud rash i tried camerosa cream but nothing seems?
daily routine to get rid of mud fever


bring horse in, wash legs to get rid of mornings cream, then wash with betadine or hibiscrub to kill the bugs - you need to get all the scabs off, really scrub the leg as much as you can and get down into the skin properly. Dry the legs throughly then put a barier cream on, zinc and castor oil is really good.


add more cream, you only need to wash once a day.

If it still doesn't clear up then get some oral antibiotics off your vet.
why dont you call/or take him to a vet.
Use Protocon Gold available from farm shops it's brilliant, use it for sweet itch too.

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