Friday, December 25, 2009

What can i use to help clear my acne besides acne cream??

i want pimples to go away...but the acne cream doesnt always work and it leaves my skin dry...what should i do??What can i use to help clear my acne besides acne cream??
If you want to get rid of acne, you'll want to wash your face and hands regularly. wash once in the morning and once in the evening with a very mild soap specifically designed for facial acne treatment is one of the best ways to prevent acne breakouts. But please remember the term ';very mild,'; because harsh soaps that are used as a sort of skin peel can cause more irritation and residual acne from infections than they might solve.

Sometimes getting rid of acne is as simple as avoiding oily foods and greasy foods. Now, I won't pretend that greasy and oily foods are a major cause of acne, but eating these kinds of foods is definitely one way to increase the likelihood of you getting a severe acne breakout. Oily foods tend to get on your hands, and from your hands onto your face, where oils will plug your pores and cause more problems than a face otherwise not covered in oil. Try to stick to healthy foods that are low in fat and oils to reduce acne.

If you want to get rid of acne you will avoid products that use oils, like fabric softener, to moisturize and cause acne. Yes, bacteria do cause acne, but putting synthetic oils and moisturizers on things like your clothes, your towels, and your bedding is just as harmful as rubbing oils all over your face. Oils that are transferred from products like fabric softener will begin clogging your pores the minute you put that towel to your face or your face to your pillow.

At the same time if you want to prevent or get rid of acne, you may want to consider washing your bedding and clothes regularly. Oils from your face--the same oils that clog up your pores and exacerbate acne breakouts--tend to build up on towels, clothing, and bed sheets. Make sure you wash these fabrics and linens regularly to keep your natural oils from building up on them,this will you help prevent acne breakouts.

Getting rid of acne may be possible by keeping a clean hanky with you to wipe away excess perspiration during the day. It's true, keeping a soft, cotton cloth hanky with you during the day to wipe away excess perspiration will help you avoid acne breakouts, and reduce the chances of getting clogged pores.

When you wipe away sweat with a clean cloth you're also wiping away excess dirt and other pollutants that have found their way onto your face. Keep yourself dry .

All The Best ~ (=What can i use to help clear my acne besides acne cream??
I had the same problem. I tried everything and none of them worked. I realized though, that when I personally ate chocolate or french fries, it gave me acne. I know this is a total shocker, but I haven't eaten french fries or chocolate for 2 months now and you wouldn't believe how much clearer my skin had become. But that's not all I do. Every night before I go to bed, I wash my face with a hot washcloth. If you get it hot enough, set it on top of your face for a little bit and let the steam soak in. Next, (warning, this will burn) if you opened up any pimples, put rubbing alcohol in it. It will burn badly, but it kills the germs inside your pimple. Do this to all the ones you open. Then pull your hair back so it's completely out of your face. Put some Neosporin on all the pimples you opened, and go to bed. The next morning, wash your face in the shower with some acne soap. I use Aveeno Clear Complexion Bar. After your done with your shower, use some face lotion to moisturize your skin. I use Aveeno Clear Complexion Lotion. Good luck, hope that helps!
Well to keep my skin flawless, I make sure to keep my hair clean so the oil from my hair doesn't get in it. Also I don't use acne creams, they never worked for me before.

What you need to do is calm your skin with a lotioning cleanser. I use dove lotion cleansers. And I have no zits on my face. But you have to wash your face every morning, or even morning and bed time like I do.
the acne would slowly disappear if you wash you face twice a day. Once when u wake up and once before you go to bed. Moisturize after cleansing. Exfoliate 2 or 3 times a week. these can even get rid of your scars slowly. Do facial once in a while and when you need to treat pimples, use pimple serum. its like liquid. just dab a little bit onto the pimple and it''ll go away
the sun clears all acne.... but if u want to try another cream, i suggest u get this stuff called ZAPZYT. its at walmart about 4 to 5 dollars and it has 10% Benzoyl Peroxide which is very very good! never get acne cream without at least 10%
Vinegar works like a miracle. It might sting. But it works.
i knowi i use the creame i wash my face i drink water and still no improvments

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