Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Where does the collagen from our beauty creams come from?

sometimes they use chicken collagen. Some products claim to have human collagen and will charge you a lot of money. Don't fall for it collage is collagen.Where does the collagen from our beauty creams come from?
For what it's worth, collagen molecules are too big to penetrate the skin. While collagen is involved in maintaining the skin's firmness and elasticity, trying to improve your skin with collagen cream is like trying to nourish your body by slapping a ham sandwich on your forehead. Report Abuse
Where does the collagen from our beauty creams come from?
(cont) Don't get me wrong, moisturizing is beneficial, sunscreen is important, but it's a disgrace that so many women are tricked into paying high prices for ingredients that offer no benefit. Report Abuse

Dog *** lol jk seriously its from an animals connective tissue.

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